Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five titles and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is TMP Television Edition - Non-English

Home for Christmas (2019 - 2020)
I was apprehensive about watching anything holiday related because they give the impression of being Hallmark/Lifetime channel quality meaning very cheesy fluff. However, someone had picked this Norwegian series for their TMP last year so I gave it a try and really enjoyed it. There’s a very indie romantic comedy quality to Home for Christmas; it’s charming, heartfelt and also very funny at times.
Into the Night (2020 - )
This is the kinda of show where you just have to ignore the science and sit back and enjoy watching all the drama that comes with these characters trying to outrun the sun (which just seems futile). And I also enjoyed the international (the people on the plane and bunker are from different countries so multiple languages are spoken throughout the series) aspect of the story.
The Chestnut Man (2020)
I am currently in the midst of watching this Danish mini series. Scandinavia is known for their dark and moody crime dramas, a couple have been remade into US TV shows like The Bridge and The Killing both of which I haven’t seen the original because they were all pre-Netflix. Anyway I have yet to finish watching The Chestnut Man but so far, while it’s not as great as Trapped (this Icelandic series is getting a third season - yay), it is still pretty decent and very bingeable.
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Someone one was telling me about the Chestnut Man the other day. I should look into that. Maybe then I won't bomb this category next year.
ReplyDeleteMy head was filled with Netflix productions this week, but I cannot believe I forgot about Home for Christmas!? I loved that show and was really happy with the second season, despite having had doubts at first. So happy you mentioned it!!
ReplyDeleteI only started on the series earlier this year so I was able to watch the seasons back to back and I enjoyed them both.
DeleteI have Home for Christmas on my watchlist since it was released and I had no idea it was a Norwegian series.