
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday Movie Picks #38: Teen Comedies

Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share three movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each.For further details visit the series main page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Teen Comedies


So this week is Teen Comedies. Shouldn't be hard right, since I'm sure everyone has seen a couple of teen comedies. Although I suppose there are not as many good ones. I'm keeping it simple once again this week and going for favourites, listed chronologically. By the way I haven't watch much of the recent teen comedies, are there any good ones post 2010?
Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986)
Ferris is the coolest smartest truant ever! He knows how to have fun and you kinda want to be like him don't you?
Clueless (1995)
I didn't appreciate it the first time I saw it years ago; I probably had been too young to get the jokes then; but now I love it. It's hilarious and is a well done retelling of Jane Austen's Emma too. I definitely enjoy the 90's nostalgia as well. Remember the scene where Cher was commenting on high school boys who were wearing those baggy jeans. Yeah...that grungy, just rolled out of bed look was "in" then.

Mean Girls (2004)
Entertaining and hilarious; the movie created some really memorable characters with the mean girls of the movie. And whatever happen to Lindsay Lohan? This was her last good movie


So that's it...my three picks. What three movies made your list today?


Check out some of my random Thursday Movie Picks

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  1. Mean Girls is definitely one of my all time favorite teen comedies. I didn't use it this week since I used it in previous themes, but it is so worthy.

  2. LOVE ALL THREE OF THESE!!! Like, SO MUCH!!!! I went with three different ones, but YES, SO MUCH YES!!!

  3. Alicia Silverstone in Clueless?...Be still my heart!

  4. Love Bueller and Mean Girls. Haven't seen Clueless, but always hear great things about it. Excellent choices!

    1. What you haven't? Watch it...it is one of those teen movies that's often referenced.

  5. Mean Girls is also one of my picks this week, the movie was absolutely fantastic.

  6. Great picks! Haven't seen Clueless in such a long time. I need to watch it again!

    1. I watch it like once every two years or so. It's still very funny.

  7. Great picks, it looks like Mean Girls is going to be the number one pick of the week. I'd put it off for years but someone recommended it to me and I really liked it. Alicia Silverstone makes Clueless so enjoyable. I saw Ferris on it's original release in a packed theatre, a great experience since the entire audience was laughing the whole time. It's my favorite of your choices.

    So many possibilities, I had to throw in a few extra that are the male/female sides of the same coin: the high school ugly duckling turned into a swan and then falling for their Svengali.

    Fired Up! (2009)-Two high school jocks, played by two actors who are in their mid-twenties if they're a day, think they've discovered the perfect hunting ground for girls, Cheer Camp!! Zany, utterly ridiculous, highly enjoyable comedy is far more fun than it has any right to be because of a game cast and two hilarious supporting performances by Juliette Goglia as Poppy, the mini tycoon sister of one of the main characters and John Michael Higgins as Coach Keith the clueless, hyperactively happy leader of the camp.

    Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead (1991)-A breezy, silly comedy with good performances and a snappy pace. The whole setup is preposterous but once this one gets past its bumpy intro scenes it actually becomes a more focused story of a young girl finding her way through unexpected responsibilities. Christina Applegate, Joanna Cassidy and Keith Coogan make the film better than it should be.

    A Date with Judy (1948)-A time capsule of teen-hood in the movies in the 40's. Jane Powell and Elizabeth Taylor are best friends competing for the same guy, an impossibly young Robert Stack, and various other minor problems mixed in. Jane sings several songs along the way. This makes a good contrast with what teen comedies have become today and yet the main theme of getting the guy/girl or making them jealous has stayed the same. It's just presented in a different way.

    Honorable Mentions-Can't Buy Me Love (1987)/She's All That (1999)- In Can't Buy Me Love when a nerd played by Patrick Dempsey, long before he became Dr. McDreamy, realizes the most popular girl in school is in a spot he pays her to help him get noticed by the IN crowd. In She's All That jock Freddie Prinze, Jr. makes a bet that he can turn wallflower Rachael Leigh Cook into the prom queen.

    1. I love She's All That! I've seen it so many times. I remember wanting to see it so bad when I was in 5th grade, ahha. Can't Buy Me Love is so dated, but it makes it so much more funny.

    2. The premise of Fired Up! didn't appeal to me so I have not seen it.
      Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead sounds very familiar.
      She's All That wasn't really a comedy at least to me. It was more of a teen romance flick. Can't Buy Me Love, I've heard about because Patrick Dempsey is in it and I kinda want to check it out.

  8. I think not seeing Mean Girls is a crime...one that I have committed, Haha. Seems such a hugely popular choice. I've made a note to see it today.

    I haven't seen it, but Easy A was 2010, and that one was plenty of positive reviews. Does 21 Jump Street count as a Teen Comedy?

    1. Go see Mean Girls! It's just a fun movie.
      Oh yeah, Easy A was a 2010 movie, that was a good one, but I didn't quite love it as most people did.
      21 Jump Street is hilarious and I think it counts.

  9. Great choices! Ferris is in my list too, and I'm joining Myerla on the guilty admission that I've never seen Mean Girls either!
    - Allie

    1. What??? Whhyy?? I promise you it's very entertaining and funny.

  10. ...Bueller? Bueller?

    A-random-fact-you-maybe-don't-want-to-know, I didn't like Twist and Shout before I watched Ferris Bueller. Twist and Shout has been my jam since I watched Ferris Bueller.

    Great picks!

    1. Haha...you remembered the first few lines of the movie!

  11. Ferris!!! Yes, a thousand times yes. I think it's basically the only one that matters. Fun theme this week!

  12. Clueless is an absolute classic - Mean Girls before Mean Girls ever existed. Alicia Silverstone is teen queen perfection. I even remember going to see the terrible Excess Baggage because of her.

    1. But Cher and friends were never really mean. Except for Amber, who was more of a wannabe.

  13. Clueless and Mean Girls are two of my favorite teen comedies! I quote to fuck out of the both of them on a regular bases. Great choices!

    1. They are definitely two very quotable movies.

  14. I've seen so many teen comedies that I'm sure there's going to be few mentioned today that I haven't heard of. As for your picks, Ferris Bueller and Clueless are classics, I still haven't seen Mean Girls but I keep meaning to, someday soon I'm sure. :)

    Mike's Cinema

  15. Great picks! I mentioned John Hughes and Clueless in my post too. :-)

  16. You nailed it! Three of my all-time favorite movies! Clueless didn't even enter my mind here, and I so regret it. Excellent 90s teen movie.

  17. Yes! Great picks, Clueless and Mean Girls would be in my list too but I think I'd add 10 Thing I Hate About You. Despite the long title is great, you cannot go wrong with angry girl and bad boy make amends :)
