
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday Movie Picks #34: Black and White Movies made since 1970

Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share three movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each.For further details visit the series main page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Black and White Movies made since 1970


Modern Black and White Movies Paper Moon, Pleasantville and Sin City

We're back to regular programming; this week's theme is a suggestion is from Wendell@DellonMovies and it's a tough one considering I have not watch a lot of black and white movies, much less those modern movies that were intentionally made so. Still I tried and admittedly some of them are not fully black and white having some scenes in colour.

Paper Moon (1973)
I remember this to be a cute and charming movie starring real life father and daughter Ryan and Tatum O'Neal playing a con man and a spunky little girl who go on the road together.

Pleasantville (1998)
Fun movie where a 50's black and white sitcom depicting the perfect lives of its characters transform into colour when two teenagers from the 90's are transported into their world and change them.

Sin City (2005)
I heard the sequel was bad which is a pity because I like Sin City and wanted to see a continuation to the different storylines. One of the things I like about Sin City is that it looked like it jumped out of the panels of the book, basically it's a moving graphic novel.


So that's it...my three picks. What three movies made your list today?


Check out some of my random Thursday Movie Picks


If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this meme, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


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  1. OMG! Love that you went with Paper Moon. It's one of my favorite films EVER! I have it slated for another Thursday, which is why it's not on my list for tomorrow morning.

  2. Okay, I had my picks all picked out and now you have cast the entire list in doubt with your mention of Pleasantville and Sin City. Curse you, Wanderer!

    1. Hey...as the host I shall have first dibs on the picks! :)

  3. I loved Paper Moon when I was a kid! :-)

  4. I love Pleasantville and Sin City. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Paper Moon, but it sounds interesting. Great picks!

  5. I picked Pleasantville too. I hesitated because of the mix of color and black and white but since the B&W is so integral to the story the film is telling and I love the film so much I decided it belonged. The film has a great message and is loaded with wonderful performances, it's hard to choose a best in show but Joan Allen's work is really beautiful and Don Knotts is just perfect in his small bit.

    My other two this week:

    Hester Street (1975)-Joan Micklin Silver directed this drama set in New York City just before the turn of the century. The story follows the culture clash between Russian Jew Yankel, now Jake, who has assimilated to his new country over a three year period and his wife Gitl and son Yossele who have just arrived and cling to the old ways much to his consternation and distress. Carol Kane as Gitl was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar. Filmed in both Yiddish and English.

    Lenny (1974)-Bob Fosse's harrowing trip down the rabbit hole that was Lenny Bruce's life with Dustin Hoffman absolutely brilliant in the lead. Downbeat film is difficult to watch at times as we see Bruce's blistering talent crushed, sometimes by his own actions and poor judgement and finally by the government. Dusty is great, this really is one of his best performances, and is fortunate to have as his co-star the equally strong Valerie Perrine as his mess of a wife Honey. Had she competed in Supporting Actress which would have been the role's proper placement instead of lead she probably would have won the Oscar. Also excellent is actress Jan Miner, famous as Madge the manicurist in the Palmolive commercials for over 25 years, as Bruce's mother. She was a surprising casting choice at the time because of her typecasting but Fosse made the right choice in casting her. The black and white cinematography compliments the story and adds an edge to the film that would have been missing in color.

    1. I haven't heard nor watch the other two you mentioned.

  6. Pleasantville escaped my mind when I made my list! Great picks!

    1. I can understand that, after all it isn't a fully black and white movie.

  7. Oops I got distracted that we both picked Pleasantville and forgot about your other picks. Haven't seen Sin City but Paper Moon is an excellent choice. Not always the biggest fan of Ryan O'Neal but he is terrific in the film as is Tatum O'Neal though her winning the supporting actress Oscar for this is absurd. If anyone was ever the lead in a film it's her. She wouldn't have been my pick to win there either but definitely deserved to be nominated in the lead category.

    1. Yeah I was thinking it was funny how she was in the supporting category for the Oscars when she seemed like the lead actress in Paper Moon.

    2. Yes, this placement is ridiculous since she is the heart and soul (and has more screen time than her father) of that movie...and she's so great in it. I'm happy she has an Oscar for it, for it's one of the greatest child performances of all time, but it was the wrong Oscar category!

  8. Great list! I totally forgot about Pleasantville. I kind of had a hard time with this one. But I love Sin City, that is on my list too.

  9. We loved the challenge of this week's theme! I've been watching black and whites all week. Thanks for putting this together!

    1. Wow you really did watch black and white films all week? That's dedication :)

  10. I don't put Pleasantville in the list because it's only partially black and white, but it's a great movie.

  11. Paper Moon is a great film and now not as well known when it should be. I also love Pleasantville especially how black & White and colour was used. I tried to watch Sin City but couldn;t get into it. I think I have to be in the right frame of mind. Came over from Drew's blog

    1. Paper Moon - Well yeah, possibly part of it is probably because it is in black and white.

  12. I love Pleasantville so much. Such a beautifully made movie. And also one not many people talk about as one of the greats. It is for me. Paper Moon is an excellent movie. Peter Bogdanovich did some great things with black-and-white in the early 70s. I loved Sin City when it first came out. I even own a big DVD set but haven't watched it in years. My love for it sort of diminished over time. Maybe I should did it out and see how it holds up.

    1. I watched it again quite recently, I think it holds up.

  13. I can't participate today but my picks would be The Artist, Angel-A (a French movie) and Sin City (first one). I agree the sequel's terrible but the first one's pretty good, excellent style and use of monochromatic palette.

    1. Angel-A that's the Luc Besson movie right? Gotta check that out.
