Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thursday Movie Picks #11: Nautical Movies

Hello and welcome to the eleventh edition of Thursday Movie Picks! I hope you've been joining in the last few weeks but if you haven't what are you waiting for? It's never too late to join. For new folks, the rules of this weekly series is simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each. For more information and future topics please visit the Thursday Movie Picks page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Nautical Movies


I think I'm out of my depths with today's theme. I haven't watch a lot of nautical movies and the only one that I really love is Master and Commander: The Farside of the World, which I've already mentioned on another blogathon. So I can't really do my usual favourites and have to find another angle with this theme. 

With Halloween coming up, I'm going with Scary Nautical Movies. Only one of my picks is a hidden gem, the others are I'd say entertaining watches.

As usual here are my three picks in alphabetical order:

I love ghost stories and haunted house movies, so a movie about a haunted cruise ship was incredibly appealing. I mean whatever happen to all those lost at sea ships right? I don't remember the Ghost Ship being at all great, there were a few scares here and there, but it does have that unforgettable scene in the beginning when the passengers were dancing.

Open Water 2: Adrift (2006) - "A weekend cruise on a luxurious party yacht goes horribly wrong for a group of old high-school friends."
This is the sequel to Open Water. The premise of this sequel is similar in that it's about people stranded in open water. The first movie involved a couple being left stranded by the people in their diving trip while they were still underwater. On the other hand Adrift involves a group of friends stupid enough to all jump into the water before putting the ladder out so basically they could not get back on the yacht. Adrift is I'd say more entertaining since it does have more characters who are pretty dumb. In the first movie, the couple was pretty doomed. All they could do is hope that the people in the diving trip remember they were unaccounted for and come back. In Adrift, the group of friends have this yacht in front of them but could not work together and find a solution to get on board.

Triangle (2009) - "When Jess sets sail on a yacht with a group of friends, she cannot shake the feeling that there is something wrong. Her suspicions are realized when the yacht hits a storm and the group is forced to board a passing ocean liner to get to safety, a ship Jess is convinced she's been on before..."
Out of the three this is the one that I actually like. A hidden gem too since I don't think it's been widely seen. Triangle has a lot of crazy stuff going on and is certainly one of those mind fuck movies that's best going in with knowing as little as possible and would probably benefit from a few watches. I checked out the IMDB board of this movie today and there were lengthy lengthy theories and analysis threads.


So that's three picks. What three movies made your list today?

If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this meme, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


Participating Blogs/Bloggers

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Friday, September 19, 2014

From Forever Ago #2: Fort Siloso, Sentosa

Fort Siloso now a military museum, Sentosa Island, Singapore, circa 2010

old cannons at Fort Siloso now a military museum, Sentosa Island, Singapore, circa 2010

Built in the late 19th Century, Fort Siloso is now a military museum. I wish I had taken better photos during my last visit in 2010. It was a hot day that day and my prime objective was probably to get some shade.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday Movie Picks #10: Movies about Childhood/Young Love (Before high school)

Hello and welcome to the tenth edition of Thursday Movie Picks! We've entered double digits!  I hope you've been joining in the last few weeks but if you haven't what are you waiting for? It's never too late to join. For new folks, the rules of this weekly series is simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each. For more information and future topics please visit the Thursday Movie Picks page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Movies about Childhood/Young Love (Before high school).


I think movies about first crushes and young love are cute and heartwarming. Don't you think? Ok so some of them are sweet and tragic like My Girl, and some can be tragic and morbid like Let Me In/Let the Right One In. But most of them just makes you go "awww...that's soo sweet.".

So as usual I am going with three of my favourites in alphabetical order:

This pick would also qualify as hidden gem since I don't think most people have heard about it. Certainly I didn't when I rented it out. As with the plot outline, two neighbours run away from their abusive homes to the city. The child actors performance are the standout here. They truly act like children, their sense of wonderment and excitement by their new found freedom comes out really well in the beginning when it was all still an adventure. But when night comes the city is a terrifying place for these young kids and they have to rely on each other to get through the night.

A Little Romance (1979) - "A French boy (Daniel) and an American girl (Lauren), who goes to school in Paris, meet and begin a little romance. "
Basically it's about two child geniuses who after calculating the probability of meeting a soul mate and realising they are for each other strive to kiss in a gondola underneath the Bridge of Sigh because local legend say the couple will be granted eternal love and bliss. One of the earlier scenes of this movie truly charmed me, what with me being a fan of the movies. It was a scene of the first meeting between Daniel and Lauren (played by a young Diane Lane). Daniel, a great fan of movies, is thrilled that on his school trip to the Palace of Versailles the palace is also being used to shoot a movie. So he sneaks away from his class to look at the rooms that were being used for the movie shooting. One was empty but for a girl. He asks for her name and she replies "Lauren" to which he replies "Call me Bogie". "Why" Lauren asks and Daniel says "Because they belong together" ...awww...

The Secret Garden (1993) - "After losing her self-indulging parents in an earthquake, a bitter young girl named Mary Lennox is sent to live in England with her reclusive uncle."
Mary is a bitter little girl when she arrives at her uncle's estate. Her reclusive uncle is often away and she is left as usual in the care of the servants of the house. Encouraged by the young maid who attends to her, Mary explore the estate grounds. She soon finds a locked up garden and with the help of Dickon, the maid's younger brother, Mary works to restore the garden to its its former glory opening her heart to nature and love. If you watched this as kid, how can you not have a crush on Dickon? As Mary did. The boy is a friend to all the animals


So that's three picks. What three movies made your list today?

If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this meme, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


Participating Blogs/Bloggers
1. Wendell  2. John Hitchcock  3. Mike's Cinema  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Weekly Recap #10: Breaking Dawn, Death Comes to Pemberley, House of Cards ...

This post is linked to Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Tynga Reviews)  and The Sunday Post (hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer).



Breaking Dawn
I finished reading the other books in this series years ago and it is only now that I have finally completed Breaking Dawn. I have made it nearly halfway at least twice before and was so determine to complete this series (because I've completed few series) that for the third time I took to listening to the audiobook. I actually like Twilight when I first read it but the subsequent books not so much. Maybe it's the criticism of the series as a whole that has affected me or maybe Breaking Dawn is simply just bad. Because I do find Breaking Dawn pretty bad. It's just so long and draggy. 

I was never crazy for Edward but now I can no longer stand him. He is just so over protective and always hovering and all tormented by what he is. Why does Bella like him? He's good looking and that's all I'm getting from the books. Do they have conversations about anything? Bella as it turns out, become a perfect vampire, and who everyone looks at with wonderment because of how perfect she is. They look Reneesme the same way as well. Can everyone stop being perfect? Here's another annoying bit...other than the vampires perfectness, Meyer over does it on their strengths and their seemingly in-destructiveness. As for Jacob, he always play the hurt card...just stop the pity party already. Either leave or stay and suck it up. And Bella can she stop stringing Jacob along? Even the rest of the Cullens, their appeal has waned. Now they always seem to be there at every turn all goodness and pure. They used to be interesting with the superpowers, not anymore when every other vampire seem to have a superpower of their own. I so dislike how the other vampires were introduced.. We've heard nothing about most of the Cullen's vampire friends in the previous books so it was annoying just how game they all are to stand by the Cullens. Of course each one more exotic than the other with super cool powers. 

Then we come to the big the supposed high stakes battle that everyone was preparing anti climatic it actually turns out. No one gets dirty and brutal, no one had to make hard choices and confront whatever they think they are or stood for. I hate it when we are presented with a high stakes scenario and yet it doesn't follow through with any casualties. I'd say just watch the movie if you were thinking of reading this, at least there was more action.

Death Comes to Pemberley
It's been a long time since I've read Pride and Prejudice, possibly what I remember of it comes from the two adaptations which I have watch many times, I interpreted Pride and Prejudice as a social commentary that is often humorous. So despite the title Death Comes to Pemberley suggesting a more ominous premise, I thought it would still be witty. Rather than be a satire about marriage, wealth and courtship like in Pride and Prejudice... I had thought it would take a stab at death...what a dark comedy it would be. But no, Death Comes to Pemberley is quite serious; unless I really miss the irony and humor. Which makes the book disappointing even though i's filled with most of the characters of the original, the characteristics of some of the characters have not been retained. Lizzie isn't quite as quick witted and seems to have lost the sharp tongue of hers. Most changed perhaps is Colonel Fitzwilliam. Although Death Comes to Pemberly does try to give an explanation for the change, still he is so different from the Colonel in Pride and Prejudice where he was pretty charming especially compared to Darcy. As for the story, it does stick with what Pride and Prejudice had which includes a scandal involving, who else but the rake Wickham. Similarly everything is fixed by the cleverness of a relative who does not want the doings of Wickham to mar all those that are connected to him by blood and law.


House of Cards - Season 1

Some of my thoughts for season 1 which I just finished watching. Beware of some minor spoilers.
  • Politics is dirty and makes for entertaining TV
  • Oh the scheming! It's what present day Game of Thrones would be like I suppose. People making alliances, exchanging favours, backstabbing and fighting for the various positions of power.
  • Frank can be a little over the top with how he is always one step ahead of everyone and having a back up plan for every failed scheme still he is one of the most interesting characters on TV now. I particularly like when he looks at the camera gives his thoughts on a situation and dispenses his principles.
  • Love all the sharp dialogue.
  • I think Frank and Claire may possibly have one of the best TV marriage. Though I'm sensing there's no romantic love there, it's more like a partnership. They communicate and support one another. When one of them has a problem, the other would usually say "What can I do". Not that it's always peachy. The show does attempt to explore that push comes to shove, whose ambition is deemed more important, and we do see Claire get angry that hers is always second to Frank's.
  • The portrayal of women being catty and stepping over one another to get the top is getting old, so I love that Zoe and Janine's relationship takes a positive turn the later part of the season. 
I love quiet subtle drama and this one is really good. In 1980's East Germany, Barbara is a doctor banished to work in a clinic in the country after applying to get an exit visa so that she can join her boyfriend who lives in the West. At the new clinic Barbara separates herself from her colleagues knowing everyone could play a part in her surveillance and can be tapped by Stasi to provide a report about her. Still her seperateness could also raise suspicion that she has something to hide. Barbara has to constantly be on guard with what she says, does and not do, and also has to endure the routine check ups by the Stasi's. There's always an air of danger in the quiet country as if something terrible is about to happen as Barbara goes about the normal duties of a doctor. Has someone turn on Barbara, has she been too careless or have we become paranoid for her as well?


Around the Blog

Wednesday:  I took part in Wendell's Back to School Movie Blogathon. The game was to cast movie characters in a few school archetypes like jocks, nerds and so forth. Check out which characters made my class.

Thursday: Thursday Movie Picks #9 was Sports Movies.I'm not a big fan of sport movies but I do have some that I enjoyed. Next week's theme is Movies about Childhood/Young Love. So if you love movies, come and take part in this weekly series. You can read about future topics here.


Other Stuff

  • I saw a trailer of horror movie Honeymoon. The movie looks good. I am intrigued as to what is causing the bride's weird behaviour.
  • I found out that Wolf Hall and Bringing Up Bodies is getting a TV adaptation. Haven't read the books, but I enjoy Tudor stories...there are a lot of interesting stuff that happened during their reign which makes for compelling movies/TV/books.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Movie Picks #9: Sports Movies

Hello and welcome to another edition of Thursday Movie Picks! I hope you've been joining in the last few weeks but if you haven't, it's never too late to join. For new folks, the rules of this weekly series is simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each. For more information on the meme and future topics please visit the meme's page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Sports Movies.


I don't generally seek out sports movies but do watch them if they strike me as interesting. So here are three of my favourites:

Not sure what David Beckham is doing nowadays (endorsement deals?) but back in the 90's and 2000's he was really popular for being a footballer playing in some of the biggest clubs in Europe, hence the title. In Bend It Like Beckham, Jess loves football (her favourite footballer...Beckham of course) and is asked by a fellow girl footballer to join their girls team. But football is not exactly an acceptable career choice for a girl in her culture thus Jess hides her training and matches from her family. I really enjoyed this movie, it's a fun and funny movie about girls trying to go professional in the sport they love.

Friday Night Lights (2004) - "Based on H.G. Bissinger's book, which profiled the economically depressed town of Odessa, Texas and their heroic high school football team, The Permian High Panthers."
I know the TV series was really popular but I've never seen it. I did see the movie and like it. It had an interesting story that goes beyond the team's journey to whatever game they were suppose to be winning. It explores the players lives, how important the sport and team is to them, to their family and town, and the weight of those expectations on those involve in the game.

Win Win (2011) - "A struggling lawyer and volunteer wrestling coach's chicanery comes back to haunt him when the teenage grandson of the client he has double-crossed comes into his life."
I'd say this is the hidden gem out of my three picks since I knew very little of this movie and came to watch it with very little expectation. I thought it was really good. It is funny and sweet and simply heartwarming. Great performances all around; Paul Giamatti as Mike who struggles with the guilt of his initial lie and trying to do the right thing, Amy Ryan as Mike's wife who becomes the protective mother figure to Kyle and as a couple they have really good chemistry. Not to forget also Alex Shaffer the actor playing Kyle the ever so cool and quiet kid who is also the gifted at wrestling teenage grandson of Mike's client.


So that's three picks. What three movies made your list today?

If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this meme, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


Participating Blogs/Bloggers

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Back to School Blogathon

Hey there! I'm taking part in another movie blogathon: Back to School hosted by Wendell of Dell on Movies. Basically you're suppose to fill the class with characters from movies in school archetypes such as jock, class clown, troubled youth and so forth. So head down to his blog, check out the rules and create your own class.

I think I've switched around characters and movies at least several times over for each of the archetype before settling with the below. Plus I'm going for an all female route which can be pretty challenging for certain archetype which you will soon see.

So take your seats. Class is now in session.

Proprietress and headmistress of Appleyard College for girls, she is a severe authority figure demanding obedience from students and staff alike. She is especially cruel to the quiet orphan, Sarah, whose guardian has fallen late on school fees. Trouble in store for Mrs Appleyard is not slipping academic grades or teen delinquency, but 3 students and a teacher disappearing after a picnic at Hanging Rock.

I guess the first thought when picking this archetype was an inspirational teacher, in the end I thought why not flip it and feature a bad one. Swim teacher of an all girls boarding school, Miss G is young, pretty, exudes glamour and charms her students with romantic tales of adventure. Her impressionable students all adore her; except for the worldly new foreign student who sees past her fictitious tales. Miss G who loves adoration, craves attention from the new girl and soon begins obsessing over her.

I honestly couldn't find anyone better to fit this archetype. She's extremely bookish and was after all a star student at Hogwarts.

So I had a hard time finding a character to fill this archetype. The girl jocks that immediately came to mind were playing sports outside of school (Whip It, Bend It Like Beckham) which didn't really fit with this blogathon. Why aren't school set movies not featuring more major female characters that are jocks? I mentally went through all the movies I watched and finally found feisty Kat. Remember that scene when Patrick serenade her during her soccer practice.

Almost picked Heather Chandler but as Regina had much more screen time and therefore we saw more of her meanness and manipulations I ended picking Queen Bee Regina. By the way is 4 the magic number for mean girl cliques?

Seems like a lot movies usually feature popular girls to be also meanies. Pretty, rich and popular Cher may be incredibly spoiled and selfish, but she is generally good natured. She wants people around her to be happy because it makes her her happy and uses her wit and charm to match make her teachers and friends.

After being accused of sabotaging a party during the summer when she tried to call the cops, Melinda enters freshman year an outcast. When she is not ignored by her peers, they taunt her and call her "squealer". Kristen Stewart's awkwardness really works in this movie as a girl trying to communicate after a traumatic experience.

Class Clown - Jan from Grease (1978)
This was another archetype which was hard to fill. I couldn't think of anyone until I finally remembered Jan the goofy one in the Pink Ladies in Grease. She had the really short fringe and was always in pig tails. The joker of the girls, she doesn't seem to mind being silly for fun. Remember the toothpaste commercial at the sleepover.

Poor, overweight, illiterate, abused by her parents, already a mother herself at sixteen and expecting a second child, Precious is one of the most troubled youth we've seen on screens the past few years.

So that's it. Class is over. I hope it's been educational.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Weekly Recap #9: Gone Girl, Orphan Black, Dog Soldiers, The Intouchables

This post is linked to Stacking the Shelves (hosted by Tynga Reviews)  and The Sunday Post (hosted by Kimba @Caffeinated Book Reviewer).


Gone Girl 
I mentioned last week that I was listening to the audiobook. I don't know if the book had a content page but the audiobook certainly had a table of contents with chapter titles and which to me pretty much gaveaway the story. So from that I guess what happen to Amy but not the actual specifics. I understand that the book is popular in part for the supposed twist and the shock value but because of the giveaway and the fact that I feel like I've read or watched a similar story before, nothing in Gone Girl surprised me. Still the dual perspective was interesting, possibly why it made for a appealing thriller for most.


Orphan Black - Season 2

Some of my thoughts for season 2 which I just finished watching. Beware of some minor spoilers even though I am pretty vague on most of the things.
  • Tatiana Maslany is amazing as all the different characters she plays. 
  • We get to see Kira's dad, Cal, and I'd love to see how much involved he will be in Season 3 now that he knows the truth.
  • Helena! I'm liking her more and more. Her being slightly nuts is what makes her soo interesting. She has no filter too, just says what she thinks.
  • Plus I'd love for Gracey and Mark to cross path with Helena again. And Mark, does he know all that stuff that is revealed at the end of the last episode?
  • Donnie, Alison's husband, had been such a fumbling fool throughout season 1 and 2 but he had this awesome scene near the end of season 2.
  • Felix is like the most loyal brother ever.
  • Paul! He has such great chemistry with Sarah! For awhile he looked like he really cared for her. Enough to risk his own life. The he pretty much disappeared and was not as involved? I know that the Dyad has something on him and controlling him but was all before an act? I hope we see more of him in season 3. Plus it would bring some interesting tension especially with how it seems Cal is going to be around.
  • I love the first season because it's mostly about the girls learning about themselves and keeping their existence secret. The second season with Dyad playing a larger role, I'm seriously confused what their agenda is. Who's in charge? Who's playing who? I hope it doesn't get even more convoluted?
  • That said I like how the season ends. Makes sense the girls aren't the only ones.
A squad of British soldiers is sent to some remote woodland area for a military exercise. Unfortunately they have just entered werewolf territory and find themselves hole up in an empty country house hoping to survive till daylight as the werewolves circle them waiting for an attack. I've heard of this movie before but never knew it was a werewolf movie. I haven't seen a lot of werewolf movies but this is one of the better ones I've seen. It has a really interesting premise with a routine military exercise gone terribly wrong and the werewolves in Dog Soldiers are really monstrous and vicious. There's a sense of claustrophobia as their shelter and weapons become inadequate, and the werewolves close in on them again and again. Other than the scares I really like the characters, the interactions between the soldiers seem so natural and you do want them all to survive the night.

The Intouchables (2011)
I wasn't really keen to watch this since it looks like it's filled with a lot stereotypes and one of those movies trying to be inspirational. But I gave in to watching this when it was airing on TV recently. And I have to admit it is an incredibly heartwarming movie about the friendship between an aristocrat and his caretaker. It was funny too, which I didn't expect. It is no wonder that this was the most popular film in France the year it was released.


Around the Blog

Thursday: Thursday Movie Picks #8 was Movies Set Locally. It was interesting seeing everyone's local picks, so do check them all out. I'm not a big fan of sport movies but still next week's theme is Sports Movies. So if you love movies, come and take part in this weekly series. You can read about future topics here.
Friday: Did a photo post.


Other Stuff

  • There's a companion The Walking Dead TV series in the works. I suppose we'll follow a brand new set of characters? Cool. Love to see a completely different landscape than what we've see.
  • Bran Stark is not returning for season 5 of Game of Thrones! I haven't even seen season 4 but Bran is one of my favourite GOT character so that's so sad. By the time we'll see Bran in season 6 he's going to be all grown up, probably as tall as Hodor, if he could stand.
  • Saw the Gone Girl trailers. Looking forward to this especially since its directed by David Fincher who does thrillers well.
  • If you didn't know yet, the 5th Wave by Rick Yancey is being made into a movie with Chloe Moretz in the lead. I'm always mixing up 5th Wave with Angelfall (which seems to be getting an adaptation too but not cast yet) since both are set in apocalyptic world with a teen girl protagonist looking for her sibling. 
  • So A Monster Calls is also being made into a movie. Like the above two books, I enjoyed this book as well and it had some pretty illustrations. So I'm definitely looking forward to how they're bringing the Monster to screen who will be played by Liam Neeson. If you've never heard of the book check out the trailer for the book above, which gives a taste of the story visually and tonally. I'm not entirely sure if the movie is going to be animated or live action. Hopefully live action.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

From Forever Ago

Universal Studios Singapore, circa 2010

This was from my first visit there. I was trying to get the whole 'Universal' in there, but I think there was just too many people so this was the best shot I got.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Thursday Movie Picks #8: Movies set Locally (you can choose country or state)

Hey there, welcome to the eight edition of Thursday Movie Picks! Wow that makes this feature 2 months old! I hope you have been joining us the previous weeks. If you haven't, it's never too late to join. For new folks, the rules of this weekly meme is simple: Each week there is a topic for you to create a list of three movies. Your picks can either be favourites/best, worst, hidden gems, or if you're up to it one of each. For more information on the meme and future topics please visit the meme's page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Movies set Locally (you can choose country or state).


This week's topic is pretty fun. So far I think the participators in my meme comes from a lot of different places so I don't expect to see any overlap of picks this week. Now I don't know if I mentioned this before here, but I live in the island city-state Singapore which is where all the movies I've picked are set. Not sure how easily you can find these movies if you're ever interested to see them. Possibly Amazon or Netflix may have them?

Anyhow as always, here are my picks of my favourites in alphabetical order:

Apparently people in Singapore love shopping. I live in Singapore, and I don't. Well then again I'm not a wealthy lady of leisure so that probably has something to do with it. To be fair, Singapore is in the tropics so the air conditioned shopping centers provide a cool place to escape from the almost always hot and humid weather and the shopping mall does become a sort of escape for various characters in Gone Shopping. Like the rest of today's picks it's been at least half a decade since I have seen this movie so unfortunately I am working from memory. Anyway...around the time I watched this I had work in retail and Gone Shopping had really felt like a true depiction of the retail scene. If you'd worked in retail before, you'd know it is one of those jobs that you'll meet a wide range of characters and this movie hit on the nail at least one of those characters you'd likely to come across. For me it was Clara, one of those people who are overly friendly to shop assistants having missed the idea that shop assistants are hired to be nice to you and aren't exactly you friends.

In the Maid, a young Filipino woman, Rosa, moves to Singapore to work as a live in maid for a local family that works in a Chinese Opera troupe. Her arrival coincides with the seventh month of the Chinese lunar calendar where it is believed the gates of hell are open and spirits wander among the living. I saw this movie during the time when a slew of Asian horror movies such as The Ring and The Grudge came out and I was tired of the far reaching vengeful spirits that attack for seemingly little reason, so I liked this spin on the scary spirit movie which grounds itself well in the premise of the seventh lunar month. In the Maid, Rosa not only has to deal with the demands of a new job in a foreign country, living with strangers, but also abide by the rules of a culture and custom she does not understand so as to not offend the wandering spirits.

Singapore Dreaming (2006) - "When Loh wins the lottery, his family believes the money will deliver them from their struggles. However, he dies abruptly, pitching the family into a battle where the stakes are the very meaning of life itself."
Singapore Dreaming is one of the movies that have a pretty authentic portrayal of life in Singapore. The story centers on a local family, their aspirations, their life and it's disappointments which if not relatable, is certainly very recognisable. The father is obsessed with winning the lottery. He and his wife are proud of their adult son who has return home after obtaining a degree abroad. The son now feels the pressure of living up to his parents expectations, getting a high paying job and marrying his longtime girlfriend. Their pregnant daughter is the overlooked one in the family; her efforts are not quite as recognised as their son's. She works hard to balance her demanding job and the duties of a wife and daughter while her husband is a constant disappointment in her eyes for failing in the rat race.


So that's three picks. What three movies made your list today?

If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this meme, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


Participating Blogs/Bloggers
1. John Hitchcock  3. Flick Chicks  
2. Wendell  4. Mike's Cinema  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)
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