Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five titles and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is TMP Television Edition - Non-English
I’m picking my most recent watches that I like.
Home for Christmas (2019 - 2020)
I was apprehensive about watching anything holiday related because they give the impression of being Hallmark/Lifetime channel quality meaning very cheesy fluff. However, someone had picked this Norwegian series for their TMP last year so I gave it a try and really enjoyed it. There’s a very indie romantic comedy quality to Home for Christmas; it’s charming, heartfelt and also very funny at times.
Into the Night (2020 - )
This is the kinda of show where you just have to ignore the science and sit back and enjoy watching all the drama that comes with these characters trying to outrun the sun (which just seems futile). And I also enjoyed the international (the people on the plane and bunker are from different countries so multiple languages are spoken throughout the series) aspect of the story.
The Chestnut Man (2020)
I am currently in the midst of watching this Danish mini series. Scandinavia is known for their dark and moody crime dramas, a couple have been remade into US TV shows like The Bridge and The Killing both of which I haven’t seen the original because they were all pre-Netflix. Anyway I have yet to finish watching The Chestnut Man but so far, while it’s not as great as Trapped (this Icelandic series is getting a third season - yay), it is still pretty decent and very bingeable.
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Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Femme Fatales
Didn’t want to overthink it so I’m going with the first three movies that came to mind.
Jennifer’s Body (2009)
Made a sacrifice for a rock band’s quest for fame, Jennifer comes back hungry for boys and she, a cheerleader, has no problem attracting them.
Gone Girl (2014)
Amy is so adept at playing all these different personas for love, admiration, sympathy, etc to get what she wants and for revenge.
The Jungle Book (2016) I know femme fatales are supposed to be human or some supernatural in a female human form…but Kaa almost immediately came to mind because she is, like Jennifer in Jennifer’s Body, a literal man-eater. Kaa the python in the 1967 Disney animated movie was male but in the new live action 2016 movie is female and voiced by Scarlett Johansson who has this raspy seductive voice that hypnotises Mowgli to stay and trust in her as she slithers and wraps her body around him ready to constrict him to death. Johansson sings too, a hypnotic tune called Trust in Me, but the song I think, is only played in the end credits and I recommend you to have a listen.
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Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Outlaws
Another quick post today and I’m going with recent watches.
Tombstone (1993)
I’m not much into westerns so I thought this was an okay movie. Entertaining enough to keep me watching. And look how young all the actors are while Sam Elliot is basically unchanging.
The Magnificent Seven (2016)
I didn’t enjoy this one as much as Tombstone. I dunno, it just feels a little too modern-ish.
Hell or High Water (2016) When I came up with this theme, I had planned to do a theme within a theme and do an all contemporary western outlaw movies but I gave up on that notion since Hell or High Water is the only one I was able to come up with.
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Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Actors or Actresses Playing Themselves
I almost forgot and was about to pick a sports personality before realising it has to be an actor or actress. Anyway today will be a quick post.
Zombieland (2009)
Bill Murray plays himself and a survivor of the zombie apocalypse who pretends to be a zombie to avoid being eaten by zombies.
The Big Short (2015)
Margot Robbie as herself in a tub to explain some finance stuff because finance stuff is just so dry.
Always Be My Maybe (2019) Keanu Reeves plays himself, a movie star dating a celebrity chef.
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there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you
share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.
This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Oscar Winners Edition: Best Original Score and Best Original Song
Well this was tricky. I usually only remember a score when I really like a movie and have seen it at least twice, otherwise it all just fades into the background. Anyway I'm picking the newer films for this category which is after they merged the musical/comedy with the dramatic score.
Joker (2019)
Hildur Guðnadóttir is one of the few female composers to win in any scoring category. I had not seen any the nominated films when the Oscars aired so when I finally saw the Joker much later I got it. It's a bit depressing with these heavy strings but it's good.
The Social Network (2010)
I think I've only seen The Social Network in full only once, but the movie gets played on some TV channel now and then and I'd always catch bits of it and that's when I really start hearing the score and I like it.
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
Now this one I liked immediately. Epic movies always have a distinctive sound.
A Star Is Born (2018) - Shallow I don't really listen to pop music much nowadays so I only heard the song last year when I finally saw the movie and I love it. I like that it was more of a singer songwriter sort of tune and I was disappointed when her character eventually went to the Pop route in her career.
Once (2007) - Falling Slowly
The music in Once is definitely the kind of sound I gravitate towards to so I fell in love with Falling Slowly (as well as other songs from the movie) at once and bought a bunch of albums by the two musicians after seeing the movie.
Aladdin (1992) - A Whole New World
Disney's musicians were in top form in the 1990s so I really had a couple of choices. I'm going with A Whole New because it is so much part of my childhood and even after almost 30 years, (I'm generally bad at remembering lyrics) this is the one that I remember most of the lyrics of.
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