
Thursday, May 5, 2022

Thursday Movie Picks #408: Cinephiles in Movies

Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Cinephiles in Movies


I thought this would be a fun theme for us movie fans, seeing other movie fans on the screens. Here are the three I immediately thought of.

A Little Romance (1979)
Love, love, love. I'm a big fan of this movie...it is so charming and I have picked it for various TMP themes before. The main boy character in A Little Romance is a cinephile; he hangs out at movie theaters. The movie also has this adorable meet cute of the boy and the main girl character in which he makes a movie related reference in his pick up line. 

Scream (1996)
Scream of course pays homage to horror films that came before it and it has a scene where the teen characters list the rules of horror films...those teens know their horror movies.

Super 8 (2011)
A couple of teens make their own zombie movie during their summer vacation, that aspect is cute and endearing and I like the late 70s early 80s sense of nostalgia. However as much as I wanted to love this one, I don't think it manages to be that kinda kid friendship/adventure movie, like the The Goonies, ET, etc, that one revisits again and again.


If you are participating be sure to add your blog post to the linky widget below (Enter your Blog Post URL, your Blog Name and your email {which will remain hidden}). Please also visit the other participating blogs, spread the word about this series, and also link back to my blog on your own Thursday Movie Picks post :)


Participating Blogs/Bloggers



  1. Oh Scream and Super 8 are inspired picks!

  2. I'd love to see your first pick as ot sounds endearing. Clever to choose Scream which I like although I never saw the ones. I have never seen Super 8

  3. Scream is a great pick - I would never have thought of it
