
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Thursday Movie Picks #337: Holiday Action Movies


Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share your movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five movies and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is Holiday Action Movies


I've been watching quite a number of 80s and 90s action movies this past year, so today's theme was easy. In fact, these are the very movies that inspired it.

P.S. I've posted the Preliminary 2021 Schedule last Sunday, check it out here.

Lethal Weapon (1987)
I really enjoyed this one. It's a fun action packed buddy movie with two leads that have great chemistry. And it's also set around the holidays. Remember when they had the big fight in Murtaugh's front yard where the house and yard was in full Christmas decor.

Die Hard (1988)
I basically saw this because Peralta in Brooklyn Nine-Nine is obsessed with Die Hard and I hadn't seen it yet. It was ok, I was not that charmed by it. Anyway the whole premise is McClane attends his wife's office Christmas Party when a group of terrorists comes in and hold the building hostage.

Die Hard 2 (1990)
This one is similarly set around the holidays. McClane is waiting at the airport for his wife's plane to arrive when of course a group of terrorists come and seize control of the airport. I actually prefer Die Hard 2 to the first. McClane is interacting with a lot more people and covering a lot more ground (it being an airport and all); there's just a lot more things going on rather than McClane by himself like in the first movie and I just found this funnier.

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  1. Three great choices. No arguments from me.

  2. Lethal Weapon is so much fun. And I really need to rewatch Die Hard soon, I'm starting to forget it. lol

  3. I watched Die Hard 2 for the first time this year and I gotta say... I didn't like it!
    Die Hard works so well because it is just McClane against this whole criminal organisation. It's full of funny one liners and very, very entertaining.
    With Die Hard 2 I felt like they were trying to hard to follow the same formula - Holly's back and hell, even the same reporter is back! It fell flat for me unfortunately.
