
Thursday, May 31, 2018

Thursday Movie Picks #203: TMP Television Edition - Entertainment Business

Hello there and welcome to Thursday Movie Picks a weekly series where you share movie picks each Thursday. The rules are simple: based on the theme of the week pick three to five titles and tell us why you picked them. For further details and the schedule visit the series main page here.


This week's Thursday Movie Picks is TMP Television Edition -  Entertainment Business


I'm picking favourites today. I also feel like I'm forgetting a title so I am looking forward to all your picks.

UnREAL (2015 - )
I usually can't stand anything on the Lifetime channel, but this is soo different from its usual shows. It's basically the behind the scenes look at a fictional dating competition, including all the ugly manipulations that go on. It is such a sharp series; its characters are all just so deliciously ruthless, especially Rachel and Quinn who are master manipulators who make the fictional dating show to be the success that it is but struggle to get the recognition from corporate.

Call My Agent! (2015 - )
 Set in Paris, it centers on a talent agency juggling to meet the demands of their clients. This is such a fun show to watch, its episode plots often reflects the issues / scandals plaguing show business currently. Plus it stars a lot of French actors playing a fictional version of themselves: in the second season it has Juliette Binoche at Cannes trying to evade the unwanted advances of a slimy producer/investor.

Extras (2005 - 2007)
The series follows an ambitious actor relegated to working as an extra. I have not seen every episode but I really like the ones I've seen. If you like the Office, you'd probably like this, the humor is similar, it has characters in awkward but funny situations. Like Call My Agent, it has a lot of famous actors playing a version of themselves in very funny storylines.


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  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE UnREAL. It's so delicious, even in the "bad" second season.

    Extras is so hilarious. I can't believe I didn't think of it this week! My favorite guest spot was Kate Winslet as a nun talking about how to win an Oscar lol.

    1. UnREAL - That first season was just spectacular.

      Extras - Yes that scene!Then she actually won an Oscar in a role in the type of movie her character in the series talked about.

  2. I have not seen any of these or even heard about them. They have to be on channels I don’t get but I am interested in seeing them

    1. Lifetime, Netflix and HBO respectively in the US I think...so probably the same in Canada?

  3. I haven't seen any of your picks this week, though I've heard of Unreal and Extras.

  4. Haven't heard of any of these.

    1. Really. I thought Unreal got a decent amount of attention.

  5. I really need to watch Call My Agent. Extras is pretty good and is actually the only thing I can watch Ricky Gervais in, really hate that guy.

    1. Call My Agent is great. It's funny and current.
